Site now using blogtng

Today I switched my dokuwiki installation from the old blog-plugin and the necessary support plugins to the new blogtng-plugin. As far as I can see everything is running fine again after some customization and adjustments. If you find anything that isn't working as expected or looks wrong I would appreciate a comment so I can correct it.


1 31.12.2011 14:44

I read on dokuwiki site that captcha plugin work fine on this site for replies, so I'm trying it ;).

01.01.2012 10:02

As you can('t) see it does :) I'm using the JS-Prefilled Text method, so the user doesn't have to do anything normally, and so far had no problems with comment spam on this site.

3 10.03.2012 13:08

Ok I had analyze the problem, it was a configuration error, now works fine!

Thank you.

blog/2010/09/site_now_using_blogtng.txt · Last modified: 28.09.2010 16:56 by Seiichiro
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